Expert Group

What is the CCS+ Expert Group?

The Expert Group is a working team of volunteer former participants of the CCS+ Summer School. The experts are the extended arm of the alumni network, which has set itself the task of promoting and further developing the exchange between past and future participants of the CCS+ Summer School. In this context, the Expert Group meets every 2 weeks for a joint exchange. The exchange is based on the following guiding principle: Establishing an international network of experts from the railroad industry with the aim of further training and the exchange of experience on the ETCS roll-out in Europe.

What’s next for the Expert Group?

Against this background, the CCS+ Expert Group is planning an on-site event in 2025: it will take place in during the CCS+ Summer School in September. In addition to this on-site event, an online meeting for anyone from the railway industry will take place on April 14th and an exclusive Alumni-only Meeting on April 27th. All events will focus on topics relating to the ETCS roll-out in Europe and how European rail companies can learn from each other. We have been able to attract numerous experienced speakers for this purpose. We will keep you up to date about our work in the CCS+ Expert Group and our events on our website!

Agenda: Online Expert Meeting

On-line meeting on April 14th 2025 open to all interested railway industry professionals

Time: 8:00h – 11:30h








How to design ETCS Level Transitions by Peter Eichenberger

Introduction to RAM (Reliability, Availability and Maintainability) by Andreas Meier

Coffee Break

Driving Dynamics and ETCS Breaking Curves by Anita Schoch and Ilja Sabelfeld

Final words 


Agenda: Online Alumni-only Meeting

On the 27th March we are organising the first online meeting only for alumni in 2025. This meeting will focus on several topics related to ERTMS such as:

1. Introduction of Správa železnic and implementation of ERTMS in the Czech Republic.
2. Data exchange and cooperation for problem management in the digital age.
3. Experience from the Danish network.

If you would like to participate, please use the link below.

 Time: 14:00h – 15:30h

